In late-Spring 2018 I introduced my first exclusive Lizziebug print. Designed completely by me, I have since introduced more exclusive prints to keep your little ones not just looking cool, but also unique! All designs are available as leggings and t-shirts and printed on 95% Cotton, 5% Lycra, so have a great stretch.
Check out my exclusives below!

The first of my exclusive prints, the Lemurs! A bold and striking design with their stripey tails on an orange and white striped background (pair them with stripey cuffs for full stripes!), these have proved very popular!

My newest print - bright and bold Cats in Hats on a Coral background! Featuring six different cats wearing six different hats!

One of my two 2019 prints, the Popcorn is bold and fun. Overflowing boxes of popcorn (you can decide whether it's salty, sweet or a perfect combo of both!) on a simple white background.

The second of my two 2019 prints is the Rockhoppers! Penguins needn't be limited to Christmas-time and these Rockhoppers are the perfect all year-round Penguin! The blue background is gorgeous and finishes it off nicely!

Some Christmas themed Dinos were introduced in late 2018. T-Rex and Bronty are decorating their tree - or at least trying to! This print is very popular - what's cooler than Dinos....Christmas Dinos!

This Holly print is possibly my favourite (although who can really choose!). The yellow background sets off the print beautifully - a goldeny, mustardy, bright yellow - it's perfect! Not too Christmassy so no need to limit to just Christmas-time!